Waterbury has always been a mecca for winter recreation enthusiasts!
Winter-themed history
The society is delighted to partner once again with Waterbury Winterfest to bring a themed program to the schedule of events in late January of next year. Local historian Brian Lindner will give a presentation about the local ski industry's history and the lost ski areas of Waterbury.
The program will take place on the evening of January 30, 2025 in the Steele Community Room at the Waterbury Municipal Complex, 28 N. Main St. Event start time is yet to be confirmed.
Winterfest makes history with 15th annual festival
This year, Winterfest celebrates its 15th year of winter recreation events to chase away the mid-season funk. A volunteer-run nonprofit organization like us, Waterbury Winterfest conducts fundraising to support its annual events and to award grants to area recreation-focused initiatives and organizations.
For more information, check out https://waterburywinterfest.com/