The annual business meeting of the Waterbury Historical Society was held on Saturday, Oct. 19, where members were asked to approve several bylaws changes and the 2025 budget, along with electing candidates to three open Board positions.
New member joins Board
Longtime board member Jan Gendreau stepped down from her position and the membership elected Margaret Moreland to join the board for a three-year term. Margaret has been volunteering on the Collections Acquisition Committee and the Outreach Education Committee.
President Cheryl Casey and Treasurer Joe Camaratta were re-elected for two-year terms each. All candidates ran unopposed.
Congratulations to Margaret, Cheryl, and Joe!
A word of thanks
The society is deeply grateful to Jan Gendreau for her years of service and leadership on the board. Jan will continue to volunteer on the Collections Acquisition Committee and consult in the planning of the 19th annual Memorial Day Ceremony and Ghost Walk in 2025. She developed the event two decades ago and has been overseeing its planning ever since.
Bylaws and budget receive approval
Members considered a revised mission statement proposed by the board. The new statement emerged after months of strategic planning and was the last step needed to finalize the society's five-year plan. The mission statement now reads:
The Waterbury Historical Society makes history visible in our community. By collecting, preserving, and sharing local artifacts and stories, the society seeks to educate and instill appreciation for our past and its relevance to our present and our future.
The board additionally proposed revising the structure and scope of duties of the Nominating Committee, giving it a new name, Member Development Committee. The amendment also passed without objection. The newly-amended bylaws can be found here.
The final proposal put before the membership was the budget for 2025, which members accepted unanimously.
All friends and supporters of the society who donate $10 or more during the calendar year are automatically granted membership rights and privileges for that year and may vote at the annual meeting.